Kender is a race of small, quick-witted, and curious humanoids in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. They are known for their natural ability to pick locks and their love for adventure and exploration. Kender is often described as playful and carefree, with a tendency to act impulsively and take things that don’t belong to them without realizing the consequences.
Explore the World of D&D with the Playful Kender 5e Race
Kender stands about 3 to 4 feet tall, with a slight and agile build. They have long, pointed ears, large hands, and big, expressive eyes. Kender typically has light-colored hair, which is often worn in braids or ponytails. They are a social and gregarious race, with a strong sense of community and a love for storytelling.
The strange Kender 5e (5th edition) originates in the realm of Krynn, where the Dragonlance setting is based. These little beings, derived from gnomes, have an unnatural propensity to create problems due in part to their curiosity and in part to their fearlessness.
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Kender in Kender 5e often has topknots, which they value as a source of aesthetic pride. Another weapon they often use is a hoop staff, which combines the functions of a quarterstaff and a sling and can be waved to produce a terrifying sound.
- Increase in Traits Ability Score: You may choose precisely what your construction requires by choosing between +2 ASI, +1 ASI, or +1, +1, +1 ASI. The humanoid creature type is the default creature type.
- Size: A Small size has various disadvantages, like the inability to use certain weapons and engage in grappling. On the other hand, little animals can travel about the battlefield and are better at concealing. Maintaining an average walking pace is excellent, given that kender in Kender 5e are little animals.
- Taunt: This is why you should select the kender race in Kender 5e. This ability makes it technically feasible for Kender to be obnoxious and irritate both their group and their enemies. This Taunt ability is one of the toughest in the game and has a range of 60 feet. It is undoubtedly more powerful than the Swashbuckler’s Panache, which requires full action.
Which Kender-compatible 5e classes are there?
Some setups that aim to maximize the kender’s Taunt ability will be significantly hampered by your Small stature, which limits your ability to use heavy weapons. Kenders perform best on the periphery of battle, where they can launch ranged strikes into the melee, entice adversaries to them, and then flee.
- Bard: Kender in Kender 5e are most known for their insulting, quick-witted bards, and they already have a bonus to CHA for the spell casting. Nevertheless, since they both employ additional actions, their Taunt ability can interfere with your Bardic Inspiration.
- Druid: The kender’s Taunt is quite powerful since druids naturally desire to stack into WIS and don’t have much use for their additional action. Sadly, Taunt is ineffective when wild-shaped, although Fearless is.
Kender performs surprisingly well for paladins in Kender 5e, since they often stack into CHA and have few additional action choices; thus will be effective. You won’t be able to use a heavy weapon, which is unfortunate but not fatal. Not to mention, your Fearless talent fits the bill nicely for a heroic paladin.
- Warlock: Hex and the kender’s Taunt in Kender 5e might clash as they are both different actions. Kender aren’t suited for warlocks due to this, their low-hit dice, and their lack of armor.
Kender is often viewed with suspicion by other races due to their kleptomaniac tendencies, but they are not malicious in their actions. Rather, they are driven by their natural curiosity and their desire to learn and experience new things. Kender are not typically violent, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible.
In terms of gameplay, Kender is typically characterized as having high dexterity and charisma, with a penalty to strength. They also have a natural ability to detect traps and pick locks, making them useful in dungeon-crawling scenarios. However, due to their impulsive nature, Kender characters may be prone to making reckless decisions that can put themselves and their allies in danger.
Like how they enjoy wild magic disasters while playing as a sorcerer, gamers are likelier to exploit the Kender Ace skill in Kender 5e as a practical joke. The kender race from Unearthed Arcana is still seen as playtest material, which implies that it may be enhanced in the future, should a new Dragonlance Dungeons & Dragons volume be published.
Q: Does 5e plan to adapt Dragonlance?
A: The traditional Dragonlance campaign setting for D & D Kender 5e may be the most turbulent when it debuts in 2022.
Q: What do Kenders in 5e do?
A: Kender is small Humanoids who resemble humans and have pointed ears in Kender 5e. They are indigenous to the realm of Krynn. The uncanny curiosity of the Kender leads them on both significant and minor adventures.
Q: Are Kender halflings?
A: Kender is the name given to halflings on the planet of Krynn. Kender in Kender 5e are often labeled as annoyances because of their insatiable curiosity, biting Taunt, and mastery of any lock or pocket. Nevertheless, they have a natural inclination for adventure, wanderlust, and, sometimes, heroism.
Q: What is Kender in D&D 5e?
A: Kender is a race of small humanoids known for their love of adventure, curiosity, and light-fingered tendencies. They are featured in the world of Dungeons and Dragons as a playable race.
Q: What are the unique characteristics of Kender in D&D 5e?
A: Kender in D&D 5e are characterized by their high dexterity and charisma, as well as their natural ability to detect traps and pick locks. They also have a penalty to strength, reflecting their slight build.
Q: Are Kender good for new D&D players?
A: Kender can be a fun and unique choice for new D&D players who want to play a mischievous and curious character. However, due to their impulsive nature, Kender may not be the best choice for players who prefer a more cautious and strategic playstyle.
Q: Can Kender be used as a rogue class in D&D 5e?
A: Yes, Kender can make great rogue characters due to their natural ability to pick locks and their high dexterity.
Q: Are Kender playable in all D&D 5e campaigns?
A: Whether or not Kender is playable in a D&D 5e campaign is ultimately up to the discretion of the Dungeon Master. Some DMs may prefer to restrict certain races or classes depending on the setting or tone of the campaign.
Q: How does Kender fit into the lore of Dungeons and Dragons?
A: Kender is a unique race in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, originating from the Dragonlance campaign setting. They are often viewed with suspicion by other races due to their kleptomaniac tendencies, but they are generally portrayed as good-natured and curious creatures who love to explore and experience new things.
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This is Ram Kenguri, I am a gamer and I’m the hero of a thousand stories. I’m a superhero, an assassin a soldier. I’ve slain dragons and traveled through portals. I am a spartan, a commander. A king. I’ve saved a thousand worlds and countless more lives. What am I? I’m a gamer.