Swashbuckler 5e – Ultimate DND Guide

Swashbuckler 5e: Rogues exist in all different forms and sizes and are now a staple of RPG games. The class has evolved into an identity that takes the form of tropes and even stereotypes. These people are experts in theft, murder, and stealth.

swashbuckler 5e

Swashbuckler 5e

You must have used every essential Rogue subclass in the books that are currently accessible. You must try out a few of the subclasses in the public beta test of Unearthed Arcana: D&D. let’s discuss the Swashbuckler Rogue subtype in this Swashbuckler 5e Guide. Let’s get started.

Level 3Fancy Footwork
Level 3Rakish Audacity
Level 9Panache 
Level 13Elegant Maneuver
Level 17Master Duelist

Subcaste features

Let’s examine the specifics that contribute to this Subclass’s popularity of Swashbuckler 5e.

Pretty footwork

You understand this as soon as you master the Swashbuckler 5e subclass. So by level 3, you are skilled at striking and slipping away without a backlash. If you make a melee attack during your turn against a creature, that creature is prevented from making opportunity attacks against you for the remainder of the round.

If you assault more than one opponent, they cannot all attack since this ability has no cooldown. They cannot attack you at an opportunity even if you fail the attack; therefore, they “attempt” anyway.

It’s a terrific method to go inside and take care of damage before moving to a safe location. You may even use your extra action as part of a rogue’s cunning action by hiding or dashing.


The talent ups your charisma to a seductive degree in Swashbuckler 5e. As a move, you may challenge a creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check with a Charisma (Persuasion) check. You both need to speak the same language and be able to be heard by the monster.

The monster has a disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you if you succeed on the check, and it is prohibited from making chance attacks against targets other than you.

This effect lasts for a minute or until one of your allies strikes the creature or casts a spell that specifically targets it. Additionally, the product expires if you are more than 60 feet away from the target.

The creature in Swashbuckler 5e will be charmed by you for a minute if you pass the check and it is not hostile toward you. It considers you to be a friendly acquaintance even though enchanted. If you or your friends hurt it in any way, this effect disappears instantly.


The criterion for activation comes first in Swashbuckler 5e. Successfully attempting the check against the monster requires an adverse roll. The target and you must speak the same language. This need not be the same language, just one that both of you are familiar with.

In D&D, many monsters are clever and speak their own language, but some also learn new ones. It must be able to hear you as well. If not, you will be unable to persuade them of anything.

Once these requirements have been met, you roll off to see if you can outdo the target’s roll. If you prevailed, the outcome would depend on how hostile the monster was against you at the time.

It can only launch chance assaults against you if it is hostile toward you. On attack rolls made against your friends, it then has a disadvantage. One minute, or ten rounds of fighting, is the duration of this effect. A spell or assault directed at the target by one of your allies will also cause it to fail. This effect expires if you are more than 60 feet away from the target.

The creature will try to stop Panache in Swashbuckler 5e as soon as possible because it is aware of the effect it is experiencing. To counteract the impact, it can attempt to block your teammates’ assaults or flee from you. The non-hostile impact of Panache is regarded as a charming effect. Animals that have been charmed are eager to assist you. You can persuade them to help you at their peril after making one more Persuasion roll. This is excellent for learning more or staying out of battle.

You can use this as often as you like because there is no recharge time, and it does not only apply once per battle. Unlike other charm effects, the subject won’t become hostile toward you when it stops. You are thus free to perform this as often as you choose while not engaged in battle.

A classy move

You are beginning with level 13 in Swashbuckler 5e. The subsequent Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check you make during the same round may benefit from using a bonus action you can do on your turn.

With your rolls and creativity as your only limitations, this is useful for parkour or grappling. This may be used for either a thrilling escape or a stunning entrance. As long as you have a bonus action left over, you may move throughout the battlefield since Charges do not restrict it.

Main duelist

At level 17, you have perfected the skill of your swordplay, enabling you to transform defeat into victory in battle successfully. If your attack roll is unsuccessful, you may reroll it with the benefit of experience. After doing so, you cannot utilize this ability again until you have finished a short or long rest.

This skill may alter the result of a battle if used properly as you deal a lethal blow to foes who are necessary. Rerolling an attack in a game of chance and dice rolls is effective.

As a result of your advantage, your Sneak Attack in Swashbuckler 5e is immediately activated. If you roll two low rolls in succession, this should hit, or even crit, since your switching probabilities should be good at this level. Because this Subclass has so many intricate powers, there are interactions. Several other exchanges need to be clarified, but these are the ones that happen most often. Fancy footwork is only applicable during your turn and your turn. In other words, if you skipped your turn. You could be exposed to an opportunity attack due to a holding action or response.\

Class Features

Swashbuckler Rogue Guide 5e: Charming, Dangerous, With Style


This Subclass is excellent for when the rogue is scouting and runs into trouble. He has two options: engage the opposition in a protracted battle or hold off until reinforcements appear.

In one of many situations, it performs well, but it falls short in all other cases. Even non-combat activities like information gathering or lock stealing are included. The perfect complement to any swashbuckler 5e celebration


Q1. What race is best for a swashbuckler?

A: That depends, there is no race that is infallibly the best. Different races are better suited to a swashbuckler’s skills than others. The adaptable V. Human, the captivating Tiefling, and the knowledgeable Half-Elves are a few examples.

Q2. Does the swashbuckler get benefit from rakish audacity?

A: No, it doesn’t, you answered. It enables them to Sneak Attack in Swashbuckler 5e without requiring an advantage. So long as no other people are in their vicinity.

Q3. Do I have to miss the attack for fancy footwork to activate?

A: Yes, that is correct. In other words, you must “make a melee attack” rather than “strike an adversary with an assault.” Even if your melee strike misses, you still have fancy footwork.

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