In the D&D roleplaying game, the Locathah 5e is an imaginary fish-like creature that lives in hot coastal waters. Normal water creatures abandoned by land walkers and underwater people alike, Locathahs survive in tight-knit communities dispersed throughout the world’s seas and lakes. The Locathahs seemed in the first version (Advanced D&D) in the real Monster guide.
Check also: Changeling 5e
Locathah 5e
Locathah 5e communities may be identified in hot seaside waters, and they are effortlessly happy surviving in deeper waters. Still, since their previous captors survive in such places, the Locathahs people have accustomed themselves to surviving in these shallows instead. Minor communities of Locathahs may also be found in many of the port towns of Zakhara.
- Size: Medium
- Type: Humanoid
- Tag(s): Locathah
- Alignment: Neutral
General Information
- Patron deity: Eadro
- Movement: Swimming
- Average lifespan: 125 years
- Homeland(s): Sea of Fallen Stars
- Language(s): Aquan
- Favored climate: Warm
- Favored Terrain: Aquatic
- Average height: ~5’0″ (~150 cm)[2]
- Average weight: ~175 lbs. (80 kg)[2]
- Skin color(s): Yellow-green[2][6] to ochre[6]
- Eye color(s): All black or all white[6]
- Distinctions: Fine scales, slender, large fins on arms and legs, fish-like[2]
While humanoid in structure, Locathahs exactly look like fish. The normal Locathahs are 5 feet long and weigh 175 pounds. Males and females look highly similar, while the previous can be identified by the two yellowish-brown stripes marking their egg bags. Locathahs have fish-like heads with big eyes, either all-white or all-black, don’t have any teeth or mouths, and comprise small fins. Despite the hair, Locathahs have a dorsal limb and flukes.
They are the hunter-collectors by nature, so many consider them to be no more than ordinary brutes. The Locathahs don’t pay any attention to people with this attitude. There are generally simple stalking parties with 100 or fewer members, conquered by men, but in more big tribes, they recommend matriarchal rulers. Previously, a community of Locathahs surviving between the ZakharanIsland and the islands of Sahu and Afyalrespected the wicked god (Thasmudyan).
- Increase in Ability Score: Your power score enhances by 2, and your Dexterity score enhances by 1.
- Age: Locathahs mature at the age of 10, but they can live up to 80 years.
- Alignment: Many Locathahs are extremely neutral or have many features of neutrality in their placement.
- Size: Locathah is 5 and 6 feet long and with 150 pounds weight, and the size of the creature is medium.
- Speed: Your base walking pace is 30 feet, and you have 30 feet of swim speed.
- Natural Armor: Locathahs have hard and scaly skin. When you do not wear armor, your AC should be 12 +. You may use your original armor to decide your AC if the shield you wear will leave you with less AC.
- Observant and Athletic: You have talent in the games and observation skills.
- Leviathan Will: You have the benefit of saving throws against being fearful, charming, paralyzed, stunned, poisoned, or gold.
- Less Amphibiousness: Locathahsmay breathe air under the water, but you must dip nearly once every 5 hours to prevent any blockage.
- Languages: You may write Aquan and ordinary language, and you can also speak and read.
Final Words
Locathahs are human shape fish, and occasionally they walk on their long tail or webbed feet. They live in underwater tribal communities along shores and search both above and under the water. Locathahs is one of the top characters in Dungeons & Dragons’ roleplaying game.
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