Kalashtar is a race in the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing game. They are a unique race of people who are connected to a spiritual entity known as a quori. The quori are beings from the Plane of Dreams who have bonded with the ancestors of the kalashtar.
Kalashtar has a distinct appearance, with pale skin, white hair, and striking violet eyes. They are known for their strong psychic abilities, which are tied to their connection to the quori. They are able to communicate telepathically with other creatures and have resistance to psychic damage.
There are many races in the Dungeons and Dragons game which is basically a role-playing game. The players can assume any of these races that the dungeon master allows in DND. The fifth edition of this popular role-playing game includes many races like Changelings, Elves, Kalashtar, etc.
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Each of the races has its own distinctive racial traits and these can be used as an advantage while playing the DND game. If you are a player and want to know about the Kalashtar 5e race, then you have come to the right place. In this article, you will come to know what Kalashtar are and their basic features.
Kalashtar 5e
Kalashtar is the result of the union between the spirits of Quori which belong to the plane of dreams and humans. Thus they are considered to be a compound race. They are compassionate with spiritual qualities and have telepathic abilities. These telepathic abilities allow them to communicate with any creature before them within their range. Language is not a barrier and the only condition is that the creature must know at least one language.
The spirits act as a guide to Kalashtar and communicate with them through dreams. This race possesses psionic powers as a result of its association with spirits. They have psychic abilities and hence you can choose to play as kalashtar 5e race in DND. The kalashtar are exclusive technically to the Eberron campaign setting. You should have the permission of your Dungeon Master to assume the character in any other setting.
- Ability Scores: Wis +2; Cha +1
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
In terms of gameplay mechanics, Kalashtar characters have the following racial traits in 5e:
- Ability Score Increase: Kalashtar gains +1 Wisdom and +1 Charisma.
- Dual Mind: Kalashtar has an advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
- Mental Discipline: Kalashtar can use their bonus action to gain an advantage on the next Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Intimidation) check they make before the end of their turn.
- Mind Link: Kalashtar can communicate telepathically with any creature within 60 feet that they share a language with.
Kalashtar are often portrayed as a spiritual and peaceful race, but they can also be fierce defenders of their communities and allies. They are a popular choice for players who want to explore the game’s psychic and spiritual elements.
Racial Traits of Kalashtar
Kalashtar has the physical appearance of a human and can associate with the spirit of Quori through instincts. Two minds reside in one human body in the case of Kalashtar. kalashtar 5e race connects with the quori spirit when they sleep. They are righteous in character due to the spirits attached to them.
Most Kalashtar lives in temples as monks and learns about how to connect with their spirits. However, some can be orphans and don’t have the knowledge of how to communicate with spirits. This kalashtar will have more split personalities and mood swings. They don’t know how to manage their psychic abilities.
Even the names of kalashtar reflect the two types of personalities they have. The first half will be representing their human nature and the second will show their Quori spirit. For example, Chazon is the name of Kalashtar with Chi showing their human name and Zon representing their spirit name.
Few Features of Kalashtar
When you play as kalashtar 5e race, you will have some bonus that comes along with this race. There is a one-point increase in charisma score and a two-point increase in wisdom score when you choose to be a kalashtar. They tend to align with morality and are not harmed by any psychic element.
You will be of medium size with a walking speed of 30 feet and can speak telepathically to creatures that are within the feet range often times equal to your level. If you speak to a creature then you cannot simultaneously speak to another one. The number of creatures you can speak to is limited when you are kalashtar. You don’t have the ability to dream and possess resistance to spells like “Dream”. Common and Quori can be spoken, written, and read by kalashtar. One other language can be chosen by you for speaking and writing as well as for reading.
here are some ideas for building a Kalashtar character in D&D 5e:
- Psionic Warrior: Build a Kalashtar character who uses their psychic powers to become a deadly warrior. Choose a class such as Fighter, Paladin, or Barbarian, and focus on abilities that enhance your physical combat prowess, such as the Great Weapon Fighting style or the Divine Smite ability. Take the Kalashtar racial feats like “Psionic Talent” or “Telekinetic” to enhance your psionic abilities.
- Psychic Support: Create a Kalashtar character who uses their psychic abilities to support their allies in combat. Choose a class such as Cleric, Druid, or Bard and focus on spells that buff allies, debuff enemies, and offer to heal. Use the Kalashtar racial trait “Mind Link” to communicate with allies and coordinate tactics.
- Psychic Detective: Create a Kalashtar character who uses their psychic abilities to solve mysteries and uncover secrets. Choose a class such as Rogue or Bard and focus on skills that enhance your investigative abilities, such as Perception, Investigation, and Insight. Take the “Detect Thoughts” spell to enhance your telepathic abilities.
- Psionics Master: Build a Kalashtar character who is a master of psionic powers. Choose the Psionics class and specialize in abilities that manipulate minds and matter. Take the Kalashtar racial feat “Psionic Mastery” to enhance your psionic abilities.
- Psychic Sorcerer: Create a Kalashtar character who is a master of arcane and psychic powers. Choose the Sorcerer class and focus on spells that deal psychic damage, such as “Mind Blast” or “Psychic Scream”. Take the Kalashtar racial feat “Telekinetic” to enhance your telekinetic abilities.
Remember, these are just a few ideas to get you started. You can build a Kalashtar character to fit any role or playstyle, depending on your preferences and the needs of your campaign.
The Best Class Options for Playing a Kalashtar
Kalashtar characters can excel in a variety of classes, depending on your playstyle and preferences. Here are some of the best class options for playing a Kalashtar character in D&D 5e:
- Cleric: Kalashtar has a strong spiritual connection and makes great clerics. They can use their psychic powers to heal and support their allies, while also dealing damage to their enemies. They also have access to a wide variety of spells, making them versatile in combat.
- Druid: Kalashtar characters can make great druids due to their close connection with nature. They can use their psychic powers to communicate with animals and plants, while also dealing damage with spells. Additionally, they have access to spells that can heal and support their allies.
- Bard: Kalashtar characters can make great bards due to their strong empathy and desire to do good in the world. They can use their psychic powers to support their allies and debuff their enemies, while also dealing damage with spells. Additionally, they have access to a wide variety of skills, making them versatile outside of combat as well.
- Sorcerer: Kalashtar characters can make great sorcerers due to their natural psionic abilities. They can deal heavy damage with spells that deal psychic damage, while also manipulating the minds of their enemies. Additionally, they have access to a wide variety of spells, making them versatile in combat.
- Rogue: Kalashtar characters can make great rogues due to their strong investigative abilities. They can use their psychic powers to detect thoughts and uncover secrets, while also dealing damage with sneak attacks. Additionally, they have access to a wide variety of skills, making them versatile outside of combat as well.
Remember, these are just a few suggestions to get you started. You can build a Kalashtar character in any class that fits your playstyle and the needs of your campaign.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Kalashtar in D&D 5e:
Q: What is the lore behind the Kalashtar race?
A: According to D&D lore, the Kalashtar are a race of people who have a special connection to a spiritual entity known as a quori. The quori are beings from the Plane of Dreams who have bonded with the ancestors of the Kalashtar. The Kalashtar are a peaceful and spiritual people who use their psychic powers for good.
Q: What classes are good for Kalashtar characters?
A: Kalashtar can excel in a variety of classes, depending on your playstyle and preferences. Some popular options include Cleric, Druid, Bard, Sorcerer, and Rogue.
Q: What are some good feats for Kalashtar characters?
A: There are a variety of feats that can enhance a Kalashtar character’s abilities. Some popular options include Psionic Talent, Telekinetic, Psionic Mastery, and Alert.
Q: What are some good spells for Kalashtar characters?
A: Kalashtar characters can use a variety of spells to enhance their psychic abilities. Some popular options include Detect Thoughts, Mind Blast, and Psychic Scream.
Q: How do the Kalashtar racial traits work?
A: Kalashtar has several racial traits that enhance their psychic abilities. Dual Mind gives them advantage on all Wisdom saving throws, while Mental Discipline allows them to gain advantage on Insight or Intimidation checks. Mind Link allows them to communicate telepathically with any creature they share a language with.
Q: What is the best way to roleplay a Kalashtar character?
A: Kalashtar are a peaceful and spiritual people, so a good way to roleplay them is to emphasize their empathy, compassion, and desire to do good in the world. They also have a unique connection to their quori spirit, so you may want to explore the relationship between your character and their spirit in your roleplaying.
Q: What racial elements can a Kalashtar use whilst wild-shaped?
A: The Kalashtar aspects come from a religious link; Wild Shape no longer serves this link. All 4 of the racial facets referred to are usable whilst in a Wild Shape form. You continue the advantage of any elements from your class, race, or different supply and can use them if the new shape is bodily successful.
Q: What occurs if a Kalashtar becomes possessed?
A: Kalashtar has no distinct reactions to possession. Neither the authentic description of Kalashtar nor the good-sized policies about possession in the identical e-book make any point out of a one-of-a-kind interplay between Kalashtar and possession.
Q: What occurs if a Kalashtar eats a dream pastry?
A: A dream pastry’s trance is now not asleep; it is a unique variety of trances. It’s extra like a drug day out than whatever is associated with rest, so there is no purpose it would always work in a different way on creatures that do not sleep or dream.
Q: Can elves, half-elves, warforged, and/or kalashtar be affected through Dream of the Blue Veil?
A: Kalashtar sleeps, however, they don’t join the airplane of goals as different creatures do. Instead, their minds draw from the recollections of their otherworldly spirit whilst they sleep.
Q: Can there be greater than sixty-seven kalashtar in existence at once?
A: Yes, there are extra than sixty-seven kalashtar. There are additionally more than sixty-six, seeing that the kalashtar, sure to be their leader, Taratai, sacrificed themselves to produce the shroud resonators that guard Adar.
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