Want to know about the Simic hybrid 5e race? Then you have landed on the right page which explains the simic hybrid race. In this article, you will find out about the history and features of simic hybrid 5e race which is a playable race. They are pretty new to the DND world with the first appearing in Ravnica.
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Simic Hybrid 5e
Although there is not much known about this particular race since they are new, here you will find their essential details. The fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons has many races that have been created new and one among them is our Simic hybrid race. Since they are hybrids, they possess the abilities of various creatures.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2, and another ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Age: Simic Hybrids are created at adulthood as either humans, vedalkens, or elves. Their maximum life expectancy is probably reduced.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and your choice of either Elven or Vedalken.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Alignment: Simic Hybrid’s alignments vary from group to group.
Random Height and Weight
Base Height | Height Modifier* | Base Weight | Weight Modifier** |
6′ 1″ | +1d12 | 120 lb. | × (1d6) lb. |
Facts about Simic Hybrid 5e Race Variant
Simic hybrid is the result of the fusion between humans, elves, and other humanoids with the animals done by the simic combination. The animalistic traits were infused magically into the other humans and humanoids to get the best outcome. They were created with the intention to destroy their foes and consider themselves to be “Guardians”.
They are versatile and can play many roles in a group. When you play a simic hybrid, as your level increases you will get increasing enhancements depending upon your level.
There are many advantages to playing the simic hybrid 5e race like animal enhancement, acid spit, and dark vision. The names of simic hybrids usually don’t change and they tend to have the same name that they had when they started out as vedalken or humans.
Simic hybrid 5e race has some specific traits that are adaptable depending on situations. There is an increase of two points in your constitution score and a rise in the ability score of your liking by one point. With a standard walking speed of 30 feet, the Simic hybrid race has a medium size.
As we know, hybrids are humans or elves previously and experiments have been performed to fuse them with animals. Thus they would have been adults already. Additionally, they age slightly more when compared to others. Hence, their life span is somewhat short. Simic Hybrid has the ability to view in darkness and this is called dark vision. They are allowed to choose between the languages of Elvish or Vedalken and of course, all can speak, read and write in Common.
Animal Enhancement Characteristics
Since they are a result of the fusion between animals and other humanoids, there are some animal enhancement characteristics. These traits will depend upon the level that you are playing in and increase with the increase in level.
In level one, you can choose any one of the three options:
- Nimble climber in which you can climb at the same speed as you walk.
- Manta Glide in which you will possess ray-like fins.
- The third one is Underwater Adaptation where you can swim at the same speed as you walk. Also, you have the ability to breathe air and water.
Level Five Enhancement
In level five, as a Simic hybrid 5e race, you can choose any of the options below as a second enhancement. The choice can be something that you didn’t opt for at the first level or from those given below.
- Carapace where you will have a thick shell-like covering on your skin. Additionally, a bonus point of one to AC is given in the case of wearing no armor.
- Grappling Appendages where there are two appendages either claws or tentacles that grow on the sides of arms. The damage made by using these appendages is equal to 1d6 in addition to the strength modifier you have.
- Acid spit where you can spit acid on a creature within 30 feet of you.
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