Goblin 5e Tactics: How to Use Nimble Escape to Your Advantage

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, goblins are a small, vicious humanoid race often found in groups or tribes. Here are some of their characteristics:

  • Ability Scores: Goblins have a +2 Dexterity and a -2 Strength. This means they are fast and agile, but not very strong.
  • Size: Goblins are Small creatures, which means they stand only about 3 to 4 feet tall.
  • Speed: Goblins have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Darkvision: Goblins have dark vision out to a range of 60 feet. This means they can see in dim light and darkness without needing a light source.
  • Nimble Escape: Goblins can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of their turns, which makes them very tricky opponents in combat.
  • Languages: Goblins can speak and understand Common and Goblin.

Goblins are often depicted as mischievous and cruel, delighting in tormenting others and causing chaos. They are also known for their scavenging and thieving habits and are sometimes employed as mercenaries or spies by more powerful creatures.

Goblin 5e (5th Edition) is a race of little and various goblinoids normal all through Toril, regularly living in underground sinkholes close to the surface known as nests. The race was frequently, however not constantly, overwhelmed by different goblinoids, most regularly hobgoblins. Goblins may have, truth be told, been at first made by this related race to fill in as scouts and infiltrators.

Goblin 5e Race – Full Guide

  • Armor Class: 15 (Leather Armor, Shield)
  • Hit Points: 7 (2d6)
  • Speed: 30 ft.
  • Skills Stealth: +6
  • Senses Darkvision: 60 Ft., passive Perception 9
  • Languages: Common, Goblin
  • Challenge: 1/4 (50 XP)

Goblins were little goblinoids that many thought about as minimal in excess of a disturbance. They had level faces, wide noses, pointed ears, and little, sharp teeth. Their brows inclined back, and their eyes differed in shading from red to yellow.

Check also: Halfling 5e

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)10 (+0) 8 (-1)8 (-1)


  • Size: Small
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Tag’s: Goblinoid
  • Alignment: Neutral evil
  • Challenge Rating: Goblin 1⁄4 Goblin chief 1

General Info

  • Vision: Darkvision
  • Average Lifespan: 62–80 years
  • Language: Ghukliak
  • Subraces: Batiri, Forestkith goblins, Grodd goblins

Goblin Appearance

  • Average Height: ~4′ (122 cm)
  • Average Weight: ~60 lbs. (27 kg)
  • Distinctions: Short, agile, flat face, persuasive personality, stealthy, deceitful, small fangs, pointed ears

Their skin shading went from yellow through any shade of orange to a dark red; normally, all individuals from a similar clan had a similar hued skin,[10] however they additionally came in shades of green. Goblins were regularly wearing dim calfskins dirtied by poor cleanliness and shaded in a comparable scope of tones to their skin.


Goblins, for the most part, remained somewhere in the range of 3’4″ and 3’8″ and weighed around 40 to 55 pounds by and large.

Goblins were a subtle and agile race, which empowered them to evade peril more effectively than most. In battle, goblins frequently utilized this bit of leeway to sneak up on foes and arrangement them a blow from covering up and afterward sneak away before they could be fought back against. At the point when they had predominant numbers in the fight, goblins would endeavor to flank solitary warriors.

In spite of the fact that goblins had poor notoriety in general, not all goblins were inept or fiendish. A few goblins have ascended to become legends, increasing enough fame to be acknowledged into the humanized universe of other, all the more regularly great, races.

Those goblins looking for this way may have thought that it was hard to beat their temper and eagerness, just as the social impact of their brethren, yet the individuals who did frequently discovered it could be additionally fulfilling, over the long haul, at any rate, to serve great instead of to serve underhanded.

In addition to these traits, goblin characters can also choose a subrace:

  • Nilbog: Nilbogs are goblins who have been cursed by their deity, causing them to become infused with magic and unpredictable. They have the ability to redirect damage, as well as a variety of chaotic magical abilities.
  • Boggle: Boggles are goblins who have adapted to life in the shadows and have developed the ability to blend in with their surroundings. They have the ability to turn invisible briefly, as well as darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
  • Grotag: Grotags are larger and more brutish goblins, with a focus on strength and endurance. They have increased hit points, proficiency in heavy armor, and the ability to charge at enemies for extra damage.

Overall, goblins make for interesting and challenging player characters, with a mix of speed, agility, and sneakiness that can be used to great effect in combat and exploration.

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  • Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
  • Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 80/320 ft., one target. Hit (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Numerous goblins who left for an actual existence among different races were females, driven away by the inflexibly organized job they were required to play. Other exiled goblins would attempt to reproduce the conditions of their way of life, going after the shortcomings of others in non-troll networks.

Troll society was ancestral essentially. Troll pioneers were commonly the most grounded, and some of the time the sharpest, around. Goblins had little idea of protection, living, and snoozing huge normal regions; just the pioneers lived independently in their very own private chambers.

goblin 5e race in dnd races

In that capacity, troll refugees were regularly smelled or dirtied, however effectively protected when under attack. Numerous such refuges were layered with basic snares for such purposes.

The goblins like a level of influence. Military clashes profit the goblins as the warriors buy supplies, and if the different sides are equally coordinated, clashes could continue for ages. This guarantees fat tote packs for the goblins for a considerable length of time to come.

The goblins assisted the Crowd for quite a long time along these lines, yet now they feel the Swarm has come to coordinate the Partnership in power, and they rest in the nonpartisan center, fulfilled to play soldier of fortune and shipper to either side.

Check also: D&D 5e Player’s Handbook PDF

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do you deal with gamers who make pals with goblins?

Yes, DnD is especially a fighting game. However, that does not constantly suggest that all encounters have to be treated by using combat. In practice, fighting is simply one of the various approaches.

Q: The Bard desires to convert a Goblin to the excellent side. Are there any regulations in opposition to this?

The alignment particularly in a monster’s stat block is the default. Feel free to leave it and trade a monster’s alignment to go well with the wishes of your campaign. If you prefer a good-aligned inexperienced dragon or an evil storm giant, there’s nothing stopping you.

Q: What is the relationship between Hobgoblins and Goblins?

Entirely distinct creatures united and conquered underneath a frequent faith.

Q: Are there “Good” goblins?

Its reality is up to you. There’s nothing in the regulations that’d forestall it – 4e does not put in force alignments. That’s a departure from previous editions; the place alignments had mechanical meaning.

Q: What choices are there to exchange orcs, kobolds, and hobgoblins in low-level encounters?

You can spice up low-stage play by enjoying the low degrees someplace different than the Material Plane.

Q: Have goblins cover each flip in Lost Mine of Phandelver?

The concern of this stumble upon is going to be very an awful lot up to chance. If you roll very properly for the Goblin’s Hide checks, your PCs may also conflict or be defeated, and if you roll poorly, they might also get thru the come-upon easily. 

Q: Can goblins use weapons and armor?

A: Yes, goblins can use weapons and armor just like any other player character. However, their small size means they may have difficulty using certain heavy or oversized weapons.

Q: Can goblins multiclass?

A: Yes, goblins can multiclass just like any other player character. Their nimble escape ability can be particularly useful for classes that rely on mobility and positioning, such as rogues and monks.

Q: Are goblins evil?

A: Goblins are often depicted as cruel and mischievous, but this doesn’t mean that all goblin characters have to be evil. As with any race, there can be good and bad individuals. It’s up to the player to decide on their character’s alignment and personality.

Q: How do goblins fit into a party with other races?

A: Goblins can be a great addition to any adventuring party, providing speed and sneakiness that can complement other classes. However, they may have difficulty with some social interactions due to their reputation as troublemakers.

Q: Can goblins be spellcasters?

A: Yes, goblins can be spellcasters just like any other player character. However, their ability scores may make them better suited for certain types of magic, such as illusion or enchantment spells.

Q: What kind of backgrounds do goblins have?

A: Goblins can come from a variety of backgrounds, depending on their tribe and personal history. They may have grown up in a harsh wilderness environment, or been raised in a large, sprawling city. Some goblin characters may have a criminal or mercenary background, while others may have been forced to flee their tribe due to a disagreement or conflict.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to playing a goblin character?

A: The main disadvantage of playing a goblin character is their small size, which can make it difficult to use certain weapons or engage in close combat with larger opponents. However, this can be offset by their speed and nimbleness, as well as their ability to use ranged weapons or spells. Additionally, some NPCs or groups may have a negative reaction to goblins due to their reputation, which can make social interactions more challenging.

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