Githyanki 5e is a fictional race of humanoid creatures in the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game. They are depicted as fierce, sword-wielding warriors with a strong focus on honor and combat prowess.
Githyanki is a matriarchal meritocracy, which means they are driven by a sovereign and additional eminence and social remaining through their accomplishments. Their battle-ready social structure would lead numerous players to accept they are for the most part legitimate in arrangement, yet the race’s history of subjugation to the mind flayers implies that riotous and impartially adjusted Githyanki are as normal as the individuals who accept requests in all parts of life is the manner in which the world should run.
Check also: Half-Elf 5e
Does that imply that a tumultuous or impartial Githyanki will disregard direct requests or furtively battle against their undead sovereign? Not in any manner. Most Githyanki comprehends, acknowledge, and even grasp the meritocracy, and military law that rules their general public, alongside being regarded for their battle for singular opportunities. as well as you can know Aasimar 5e overview and guide.
Githyanki 5e
The arrangement framework, especially in the fifth release, is intended to be a rule sketching out a PC’s optimal conviction of how the world should function, yet isn’t intended to be an agenda of goals to be forced on others. A legal character accepts that in a perfect world, request enables edified people groups to accomplish their best. It doesn’t imply that they comply with each law beyond a shadow of a doubt, or power others too. It can surely be that route for specific characters, yet it’s anything but a flat-out.

Disorganized characters accept that individual flexibility is the route to a superior world (regardless of whether the “better world” is for everybody, or for the PC/their race/their way of life alludes more to their great/malicious track).
Size | Gith are leaner than humans & taller, with most a slender 6 feet in height. Size is Medium. |
Age | reach adulthood in their late teens and live for about a century. |
Type | Humanoid |
Ability Score Increase | Intelligence score increases by one. |
Speed | base walking speed is 30 feet |
Languages | You can speak, read, and write Common and Gith |
Tag(s) | Gith |
Alignment | Lawful evil |
Challenge rating | Warrior- 3 Knight- 8 Gish- 10 Kith'rak- 12 Supreme commander- 14 |
General Information
Vision | Darkvision |
Activity cycle | Any |
Diet | Omnivore |
Average lifespan | Average lifespan 72‒120 years Immortal while on the Astral Plane |
Homeland(s) | Astral Plane |
Language(s) | Gith, Common,Draconic, Deep Speech |
Subraces | Pirates of Gith |
Skin color(s) | Yellow |
Hair color(s) | Russet, black |
Eye color(s) | Black |
Hairstyle(s) | Topknots |
Distinctions | Pointed ears, serrated in the back |
Male | Average height: 5′5″‒6′11″ (170‒210 cm) Average weight: 124‒280 lb (56.2‒130 kg) |
Female | Average height: 5′4″‒6′10″ (160‒210 cm) Average weight: 89‒245 lb (40‒111 kg) |
Does that imply that disordered characters never have a code of conduct, or will never pursue the sets of a pioneer they regard? Not in the least, however, they are unquestionably bound to scrutinize their bosses. The Cheerful Men of Sherwood pursue Robin Hood since they have confidence in his authority, despite the fact that they are apparently disorderly great.
The Githyanki are consistently abhorrent, however, people are as regularly legal as clamorous shrewdness. Their general public is likely best depicted as nonpartisan malevolence, with a battle-ready regimentation adjusted by a solid ethic of individual opportunity and individual accomplishment, centered most importantly toward parts of the bargain’s passing.
Because of their racial inception as captives of the mind flayers, Githyanki places an amazingly high incentive on the opportunity. All the more legitimately inclined Githyanki to underscore the opportunity of the Githyanki as a race, swearing that the race will never again be oppressed by different forces while additionally focusing on the requirement for individual Githyanki to relinquish probably their very own portion of individual flexibility for the more prominent advantage of the race.
d4 | Githyanki Personality Trait |
1 | When I'm bored I make my own excitement, and I'm always bored. |
2 | I treat others as if they were animals that simply don't know any better. |
3 | Violence is a spice that makes life worth living. |
4 | Old age is a concept that I find fascinating. Maybe someday I too will be aged. |
d4 | Githyanki Ideal |
1 | Fidelity. Warriors are only as good as the vows they keep. |
2 | Power. The weak rule the strong. |
3 | Duty. It is by Vlaakith's will alone that I act. |
4 | Freedom. No strong soul should be enslaved. Better to die first than live as another's puppet. |
d4 | Githyanki Bond |
1 | There is no greater duty than to serve the Revered Queen. |
2 | Humanity thrives only because we conquered the illithids. Therefore, what is theirs is ours. |
3 | Without battle, life has no purpose. |
4 | Life is but a spark in the dark. We all go dark, but those who dare can burn bright. |
d4 | Githyanki Flaw |
1 | Hunger and thirst are unbearable pains to me. |
2 | I can't see a non-githyanki as a real threat. |
3 | I follow orders, regardless of their implications. |
4 | I start projects but never finish them. |
Githyanki who lean more toward disarray contend that individual subjugation to the Githyanki race, all in all, is minimal superior to bondage to the mind flayers, and stress each individual githyanki’s entitlement to life liberated from the abusive guideline.
Most githyanki live substance in the center ground between the two boundaries, finding their very own harmony between subservience to their race and individual flexibility.”
Githzerai shows these equivalent propensities, however for altogether different reasons. Githzerai lives in the strife of Limbo, enduring just by forcing their will on the pliant truth of their home. Regardless of how legitimate a githzerai might be, the race all in all is presented to a degree of mayhem that is difficult for Material Plane creatures to grasp.
The request in a githzerai’s psyche is frequently an activity in riding the turmoil, expelling their very own desires for the real world, and building up a familiarity with precisely when and where they can impact Limbo as opposed to driving the plane to twist to their will.
Githyanki is closely related to another race called the Githzerai, and the two have a long-standing rivalry. The Githyanki are typically depicted as more aggressive and militant than their Githzerai counterparts, with a strong desire for conquest and expansion.
In the lore of D&D, the Githyanki were once enslaved by a powerful race of creatures known as the Illithids, or mind flayers. The Githyanki eventually revolted and freed themselves from their captors, but their society became highly militaristic in response to the trauma of their enslavement.
Githyanki characters in D&D 5e are typically depicted as skilled fighters with proficiency in the use of swords and other melee weapons. They also have a natural ability to teleport short distances, which can make them highly unpredictable in combat.
Githyanki is often depicted as villains in D&D campaigns, but they can also serve as formidable allies or neutral factions. Their unique culture and history make them a popular choice for players who want to create a distinctive and memorable character in the game.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Githyanki in D&D 5e:
Q1: How can an insubstantial Githyanki Supreme Commander move?
In order to move, the Githyanki Supreme Commander ought to be prepared.
Q2: How is Githyanki contrary to Mind Flayers?
Tiamat and the Red Dragons helped the Githyanki.
Q3: Does a Githyanki’s silver sword instantly kill an astral visitor on a critical hit?
Yes, on a classic hit, a githyanki will eliminate an astrally projected creature.
Q4: When was the first time Gith was published?
The first Dungeons & Dragons book to mention the gith is “Fiend Folio,” which was published in the first edition. They were, in fact, the “cover monster.”
Q5: When did the thought flayers leave the gith ruin?
The majority of D&D lore documents on this topic are vague about when the previous rebellion occurred, with the exception of noting that the illithid empire was “ancient” at the same time as the uprising.
Q6: What is Githyanki in D&D 5e?
A: Githyanki is a fictional race of humanoid creatures in the D&D 5e role-playing game. They are skilled fighters and are often depicted as sword-wielding warriors with a strong focus on honor and combat prowess.
Q7: What is the history of Githyanki in D&D 5e?
A: In D&D 5e, the Githyanki were once enslaved by a powerful race of creatures known as the Illithids, or mind flayers. The Githyanki eventually revolted and freed themselves from their captors, but their society became highly militaristic in response to the trauma of their enslavement.
Q8: What are some unique characteristics of Githyanki in D&D 5e?
A: Githyanki characters in D&D 5e are typically depicted as skilled fighters with proficiency in the use of swords and other melee weapons. They also have a natural ability to teleport short distances, which can make them highly unpredictable in combat.
Q9: Can players choose to play as a Githyanki in D&D 5e?
A: Yes, players can choose to create a character who is a Githyanki in D&D 5e. Githyanki characters can make for interesting and challenging characters due to their unique abilities and history.
Q10: What are some notable Githyanki characters in D&D lore?
A: Zerthimon, Vlaakith the Lich-Queen, and Githyanki Knights are some of the most notable Githyanki characters in D&D lore. These characters have played important roles in the history and culture of the Githyanki race.
Q11: How can I incorporate Githyanki into my D&D campaign?
A: Githyanki can be used as villains, allies, or neutral factions in a D&D campaign. They can serve as formidable opponents for the players, or as allies who offer their unique abilities and knowledge in exchange for assistance with their goals
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