In Gladiator background 5e you’ve gained some fame (or the infamy) by participating within the sport of the combat and it’s being pitted within the battle which is opposite to the opposite d&d gladiator backgrounds, wild animals, and also the magical beasts which always for the enjoyment of the masses.
- Of course, sometimes these battles are preceded by the most competitions of martial skill just like the archery contests, chariot or foot races, through the damaging obstacle courses.
- The gladiatorial combats could be held within the public arenas which are sponsored by the ruler or government, or it might be clandestine, held the underground in any secret clubs and it’s for the profit of a criminal organization.
- By chance or against your will you would possibly become a d&d 5e gladiator background it always happens after having been either captured or sold into slavery.
- Or it might be you would possibly be a criminal, condemned to the stage just like the punishment of those that succeeded despite the chances.
Gladiator 5e
- Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance
- Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, one type of musical instrument
- Languages:
- Specialty: Entertainer Routines
- Feature: By Popular Demand
Personality Traits
D12 | Options for personality traits |
1 | I strongly dislike one type of wild beasts (bears, wolves, lions, etc) that i once faced in combat. |
2 | I try to infuse my actions with a theatrical flourish, but will never admit that my showmanship is anything but genuine. |
3 | I only ever speak about myself in the third person. |
4 | I have a short catch phrase which i try to use in battle (and sometimes |
5 | I insist that others always (or never) call me by my ring name and will correct them whenever they do otherwise. |
6 | I pretend to be from a foreign land even though i actually grew up nearby (or vice versa). |
7 | I often use large, important sounding words when speaking, even if i do not always know what the words actually mean. |
8 | I am prone to telling stories of my past arena combats, even to people who have heard the same stories many times before. |
9 | I love a good insult, even one directed at me. |
10 | I get bitter if i'm not the center of attention. |
11 | I give combat pointers to nearly everyone i meet. |
12 | I'm confident in my own abilities and do what i can to install confidence in others |
d8 | Options for flaws |
1 | I have become so immersed in your gladiatorial persona that I now have a hard time separating yourself from it. |
2 | I can be short-sighted and myopic, pursuing a single goal tenaciously, while overlooking other peripheral matters. |
3 | I have a tendency to be unintentionally insulting or boastful. |
4 | I sometimes overestimate my abilities due to years of theatrically manufactured success. |
5 | I feel like a fraud and fear that your fans will discover that most of my victories were fixed. |
6 | I have a hard time trusting people, feeling that everyone is always trying to use you in some way. |
7 | I will do anything to win fame and renown. |
8 | I'm horribly jealous of anyone who outshines my performance in combat |
Ideas List
D8 | Options For Ideals |
1 | Freedom: Now that I have gained my independence, I will never submit again. |
2 | Championship: I turn everything I do into a competition and I always strive to win. |
3 | Exaltation: The roar of the crowd chanting my name is all I need to be reinvigorated.(Good) |
4 | Greed: I'm only in it for the money and fame. (Evil) |
5 | Camaraderie: I treasure the friendship and fraternity of my fellow gladiators above all else. (Lawful) |
6 | Anonymity: I have grown tired of fame and fighting and wish now to put my past behind me. (Neutral) |
7 | Friendship: Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good) |
8 | Ambition: History remembers the great, and i want to be remembered. (Any) |
D8 | Options For Bonds |
1 | A foe that i once humiliated in the arena has swam vengeance against me (or vise versa) |
2 | I have sworn to oppose to oppose the person, organization, or government that forced me into the gladiatorial life. |
3 | I have owed to protect the family of a fellow gladiator that i once fought with. |
4 | I escaped from gladiatorial service and are now pursued relentlessly by my old masters. |
5 | I have visions of my brutal death, and live to undo the prophecy. |
6 | Though i has no choice, i lament having to leave my loved one(s) behind. I hope to see them again one day. |
7 | I will always make for the most dangerous foe. |
8 | I want to be famous, whatever it takes. |
Mostly in many societies, gladiatorial combat is brutal, to the death sport. However, in a number of the foremost enlightened places, it’d be not quite the mock-combat and choreographed to seem real while posing little actual danger to its participants, albeit its fighting is staged, it’s nearly this is often known only to each gladiator and therefore the people that sponsor the fights, with most spectators being unaware of true nature of the “sport”.
Of course, after retiring from the stage you would possibly become an adventurer and either win your freedom or escape otherwise you might still be a lively gladiator 5e background and traveling the planet to be proven yourself in any public combat against the soldiers across the land.
Even for the purpose of boasting these gladiators are generally outspoken. They are doing play their character within the arena but their true personality may be quite different from that character. With gifts, most of your fans may shower you and also provide you food and also an area to sleep. All over, you’re also likely to be challenged by opportunists hoping to be famous by defeating you.
Your skill sort of a gladiator d&d 5e background has been brought your fame (or infamy) and you’re widely known by a hoop name – in fact, a moniker that protects your identity. it’d be a fictional given name and also a surname, a nickname (“jumbo joe”), alternatively a descriptive title (“The Brutal Barbarian”).
This ring name is developed by many gladiators, into a full-blown stage persona, including the gimmicks and also exaggerated quirks which do make their performance far more exciting and more memorable too. You’re encouraged to figure together with your dungeon master to flesh out the small print of this persona.
Basically, from the start your ring name functions powerfully as a second identity, you would possibly haven’t been recognized while wearing the traditional clothing and also traveling under your real name, but most of the people far and wide they’re going to recognize you and also treat you accordingly whenever you’re wearing the costumes of yours and being called by your pseudonym.
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