Grung 5e is a playable race in the 5th edition of the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D 5e). Grungs are small, frog-like humanoids that have brightly colored skin and a variety of unique abilities. They were first introduced in the supplement book Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
Grungs are violent froglike humans identified in rainforests and tropical forests. All grungs are a bluish-greenish-brown shade when born, but every creature carries its race color to adulthood. Their caste society is systematized into cases decided by the shade of each grunge. They are violently territorial and consider themselves bigger than most other mortals
Grungs speak their creature or frog language, known as “Grung” and most don’t acquire additional languages and further make differences based on the distance of croaks. They lived in or near plants or trees, choosing to survive in shaded regions, and required to remain to be in constant proximity to water. The water is found within the grunge area and will pollute the water with their skin parts.
Grung 5e
Mature grungs normally stand about nearly 3 feet in height. Males are normally minor than females. They look like small humanoids with robust toads or froglike limbs that end in webbed feet. The development of Grung gave them brains, opposable thumbs, and cleverness but stripped them of their forelimb tongues, which are normal in other amphibian Grung 5e Races. Because of their size, grungs frequently evaded conflict and chose to trap their target.
Check also: Rabbitfolk 5e
Their radiantly-colored skin is kept smooth when they inhale it. Grung eyes are relatively smaller than normal frogs or toads and are topped with tough protective edges. The eyeshade of Grung is red with black acolytes. Grungs reproduce by leaving eggs, shaded into grey tadpoles that turn into amphibious humans at four months and into grown-ups at another six to nine months.
In D&D 5e, players can choose to play as a grung character and gain the following racial traits:
- Ability Score Increase: Dexterity +2, Constitution +1
- Age: Grungs mature quickly and have a lifespan of about 20 years.
- Alignment: Grungs tend to be neutral, and their small size often makes them cautious and quick to flee danger.
- Size: Grungs are Small creatures, standing only about 1 foot tall.
- Speed: Grungs have a base speed of 25 feet.
- Amphibious: Grungs can breathe air and water.
- Poisonous Skin: Grungs have toxic skin that can poison creatures that touch them.
- Standing Leap: Grungs can jump incredible distances thanks to their powerful legs.
- Languages: Grungs can speak, read, and write Grung and one other language of their choice.
Overall, grungs are a fun and unique option for players looking to try something different in their D&D 5e campaigns.
Overall, grungs are a fun and unique option for players looking to try something different in their D&D 5e campaigns.
Grung 5e Race – Caste Society
Grungs survive in a caste society with nearly six castes, represented by various dark colors: blue, green, purple, orange, red, and gold. Each has a various part in a caste society.
- Green: The green shade is for hunters, warriors, and normal laborers.
- Blue: Blue shade is for domestic, artisans, and childcare laborers. Grung skills are operated with other castes and may be found in the markets of towns near their residence.
- Violet: Violet is the observer of the green and blue Grungs, and they ensure that the inferior castes remain happy.
- Red: Red is for academics and magic users and is called grung wildlings; they are greater than green, purple, and blue castes and appreciated even by superior castes.
- Orange: Orange shade is for Elite fighters who have power over all smaller grungs.
Grung 5e Names
Grung names have been based on various classes. Grung is violent and defensive, and they frequently attack any encroaches, whether they are adventurers or part of another society. Grung homes usually consisted of members of a similar caste in groups of nine to eighteen.
A green grung will have only one name, while a gold grung may have nearly twelve names. The Grung names are Lurt, Gahg, Pasht, Slark, Sook, Pat, Slur, Mog, Hat, Pip, Ja,Narg, Snurk, Nak, Lib, Beb, Galf, Ran, Rug, Jig, Erg, Toog, Hen, Mahl, Nin, and Zoog.
Q: Were Grungs created for 5e?
A: The grung are a Greyhawk-based amphibian race. They first appeared in Greyhawk Adventures, then in Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix, MC5.
Q: Were Grungs created for 5e or did they exist earlier than this edition?
A: Grung entries in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the entry for the Grung village in Tomb of Annihilation, and One Grung Above no longer claim anything about what that written shape appears like.
Q: Do grungs have written language?
A: Yes, Grung has a written form. In the PDF file One Grung Above, which small prints the stats for playable Grung.
Q4: Do the Grung have any respectable deities?
A: In the new 5e module Tomb of Annihilation, the Grung goddess Nangnang is prominently mentioned. However, a few important points are given. So, the 5e Forgotten Realms Grung have at least one unique deity, if no longer more.
Q: What is Grung in 5e?
A: Grung is a playable race in the 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop role-playing game. They are frog-like humanoids that are native to the jungles of Chult.
Q: What are the traits of Grung in 5e?
A: Grung in 5e have the following traits: Small size, speed of 25 feet, dark vision up to 30 feet, the ability to jump 25 feet in any direction as long as they don’t land in water, immunity to poison, and the ability to secrete toxic skin secretions.
Q: Can Grung in 5e be used as player characters?
A: Yes, Grung can be used as a player character in 5e.
Q: What classes are suitable for Grung in 5e?
A: Grung in 5e can be any class that is suitable for Small-sized characters, such as rogue, ranger, or wizard. However, they are particularly well-suited for classes that emphasize mobility, such as monks or rangers.
Q: How do Grung’s toxic skin secretions work in 5e?
A: The Grung’s toxic skin secretions work as follows: When a creature touches the Grung or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it, the creature must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Q: Can Grung in 5e swim?
A: Grung in 5e have a swim speed of 30 feet, which means they can swim just as well as they can move on land.
Q: Can Grung in 5e speak Common?
A: Yes, Grung in 5e can speak Common, as well as Grung.
Q: Are Grung in 5e restricted to certain alignments?
A: No, Grung in 5e can have any alignment, just like any other playable race.
Q: How does the Grung Poisoner feat work in 5e?
A: The Grung Poisoner feat allows a Grung character to apply its toxic skin secretions to a weapon as a bonus action, granting the weapon the Poisoned condition for 1 minute. The DC for the saving throw to resist the poison is equal to 8 + the Grung’s proficiency bonus + its Constitution modifier.
Q: Can Grung in 5e be found outside of Chult?
A: While Grung is native to the jungles of Chult, they can be found in other places as well, such as in the company of adventurers or in other areas with similar climates. However, it is ultimately up to the DM to decide where and how often Grung appears in their game.
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